Believe me.......I even think it's beginning to get old. I have so many ideas concerning people fapping, milk coming out of breasts on a lions shoulders etc........I need to get them all out of my head.
My cartoon which hopefully will be finished - is going to be jam packed with huge dicks, vag and butt. It's going to be my epic masterpiece with dicks everywhere.
Once I finish it I have some other ideas that are of a serious nature. Sort of. Basically I have a great idea for a sex scene. Really artsy and blah you know? It will be sort of a music video to the song "One of these mornings" by Moby.
Anyways. I do believe this is my first serious post.........on Newgrounds.............Ever.
I'll end with this.
Dicks....This calls for a Scat and Cock Orgy :3