You need to read this. Please.
After viewing most of your films (I'll watch the rest) You have some amazing talent.
Firstly - You have a knack for cinematic feelings. It shows with the direction, story, and score.
You art is pretty good - animation is rocky on some parts, but it works. The rockiness works somehow. You pull it off.
The scores you pick for your films are great. I couldn't have done better myself. Your usage of James Horners (or it may be X-ray Dog) trailer theme to the movie "troy" was a great pick. I used it myself in my "Lice Vs Crabs Trailer" I also enjoyed Zimmer's gladiator score.
The only thing that I could suggest is your voice acting and ESPECIALLY your dialogue. It's pretty bad.
Other than that I'm basically speaking on terms of all your films here and I just want you to know I appreciate them very much.
Great work =)